
Monday, April 5, 2010

Snow White / Magritte Mashup

René Magritte. Image via Masters of Photography. Copyright Lothar Wolleh, 1967.

In the surrealist work of Belgian painter René Magritte, our perceptions of reality are often challenged. His 1964 Son of Man painting featured a man in a suit and bowler hat with a green apple covering the face. This image was used prominently in the 1999 art heist film The Thomas Crown Affair.

Son of Man copyright René Magritte; oil painting 1964.

Recently, freelance illustrator Brian Cook took the Son of Man to a new dimension with this Snow White/Magritte mashup. "I've always been a big fan of classic cartoons and art history. Hence, this idea seemed like a good one."

Image copyright Brian Cook

Image copyright Brian Cook via Threadless:

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