
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Snow White - An Enchanting Musical (part I)

With great expectations, Snow White: An Enchanting Musical opened at Disneyland's Fantasyland Theater on February 23, 2004. Sets and costumes were elaborate, Patrick Stewart had been hired to record the voice of the Magic Mirror, and it looked as though hopes were high that this would be a long running performance.

Image via Copyright Doug Marsh, 2004.

Images copyright + L.Gilbreath via

As part of the media celebration leading up to the debut of the show, the Snow White and the Seven Dwarf characters participated in a handprint ceremony in front of Grauman's Chinese Theatre in Hollywood. See more images at

Image dated February, 5 2004. Copyright Adrienne Vincent-Phoenix.

Here's a Disney commercial promoting the musical:

Video posted by dlrpkris

Opening night was by invitation only. Michael Eisner, the then chief executive officer of The Walt Disney Company introduced the musical to an audience of celebrity VIPs and media as well as the parents of children who partook in the premiere festivities. Although the weather forecast was gloomy and included heavy rains, the festival atmosphere was not dampened.

Image copyright

While the musical is no longer running, we can take a peek back in time thanks to youtuber filmfreak11 who has uploaded it in four segments. Here is Part I:
The Magic Mirror acts as the narrator to our story of Snow White. The seven dwarfs pass by as the Evil Queen looks over Snow White and her animal friends. A handsome prince overhears Snow White's song and sings to her. Source: filmfreak11

Video posted by filmfreak11

High Res images via Disney and More. Copyright Disney.

Disney's Snow White -- An Enchanting Musical
Presented by the Walt Disney Co.
Producer: Michael E. Williams
Director: Eric Schaeffer
Choreographer: Karma Camp
Set designer: Tom Butsch
Costume designer: Ellen McCartney
Lighting designer: Paulie Jenkins
Sound designer: Francois Bergeron
Snow White: Anne Warren
Prince: Stuart Ambrose
Queen: Elizabeth Ward Land
Hag: Lisa Wolpe
The Seven Dwarfs: Vince Trani, Justin Robertson, Glenn Turner, Reggie DeLeon, Noah Rivera, Joey Minnich, Paul Pakler

Additional image via JayPeeBee.Used with permission.

Continued in next post.


  1. I saw this musical a number of times; thought it was very well done.

  2. I never had the chance to see it in person, but I'm sure it would have been an enjoyable performance.
