
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

It's Official - The Scary Adventures Will Close at WDW

I knew it was coming, but it still feels like a kick in the gut. Thomas Smith, the Social Media Director for Disney Parks yesterday announced on the Disney Parks blog the new updated plan for Walt Disney World's Fantasyland expansion. For the most part, it sounds great and even includes a very exciting brand new Snow White-themed attraction entitled The Seven Dwarfs Mine Train. "The coaster will feature a first-of-its kind ride system with a train of ride vehicles that swing back and forth as they whisk along the track."

Artist's rendition of the new Seven Dwarfs Mine Train.

However as a result, the somewhat shocking news is that the Snow White's Scary Adventures ride will be permanently closed...and to make room for a new meet-n-greet location called Princess Fairytale Hall.

SWSA's Not-So-Sleeping Death.
Image via fanpop.

Things change. Nothing stays the same. Yet, I can't help but feel extremely disappointed that WDW will be losing SWSA. From a historical perspective, it's a great loss as it's one of the few remaining attractions based on those originally approved by Walt for Disneyland when it first opened in 1955.

My first ticket into the Disney life and Snow White.

And from a personal perspective, I am saddened because it was this very ride that, back in December of 2000, first ignited my interest in Snow White. Before this time, I didn't give a hoot about Disney's first princess or Disney in general for that matter.

Magically simple.

No, it's not a Big Thunder Mountain or a Haunted Mansion, but SWSA worked it's magic on me in a very real way and I for one will miss it.


  1. I just don't understand most of the decisions that Disney makes! I hope they at least take the SW figures and sets and include them in the new coaster attraction.

    Why does everything have to be a thrill ride anyway? Don't get me wrong....I love Space Mountain and the Matterhorn, but I would rather ride the PeopleMover over Rocket Rods, World of Motion over Test Track, and Horizons instead of Mission Space. Oh, and regarding your last statement, I can ride any and all of the SW attractions around the world over and over, but Big Thunder.....not so much! Big Thunder is a snoozer, in my opinion. I would rather they keep Snow White's Scary Adventures and get rid of Big Thunder!

    Here's an idea, why don't they rebuild Snow White's Scary Adventures in the same building as the new coaster....maybe even intertwine the two? At least that way, people that maybe don't want to go on the coaster could still enjoy the dark ride version. That would probably make too much sense....and cost them more money than they would ever be willing to spend.

    Ugh! Okay, rant over! Sorry for taking up so much space in your "comments" section.

  2. Granted, there's a Snow White attraction in Anaheim, but there are a number of things about the Orlando version that are different, and actually better than its west coast counterpart.

  3. As I observed on Disney's blog, I can comprehend the logic of closing SWSA, but that doesn't mean I like it.

    When looking at what fairy tales you can derive a more thrilling type of ride from, Snow White actually does have the best option. Hence the mine train. If one closes SWSA then those animatronics can be recycled into said new attraction and the queue. Expect to see familiar faces. Plus it adds another ride into an expansion that was being derided as "meet n' greet land".

    However, to close SWSA and put NOTHING in its place leaves a net effect of zero. Yes, a meet n' greet is effectively nothing, so far as attractions go. I'm sure it will look pretty, but it is nothing compared to an actual ride, or even a walkthrough or something, based on one of the films. For goodness sake, at least import Pinocchio if not develop a new one based on Sleeping Beauty or the Villains or something.

    Of course, the original does remain in Disneyland USA, which jst adds to the list of reasons why I'll stick to Disneyland USA and forego WDW. They keep taking out things at WDW that I would be interested in and adding things that I wouldn't really care that much for. I'm sure that the new Fantasyland will have gorgeous restaurants, but that's not enough to make me want to fly down to Florida.

  4. Tokyo-- I dig your idea of rebuilding Snow White's Scary Adventures in the same building as the new coaster and intertwining the two. That then would truly be a magical ride.

    Dave-- You can't beat the facade of Anaheim (and Paris). And all the SWSA rides have their great points, but you're right, there really are aspects of the Orlando version that made it special--and which are going to be missed.

    Cory-- Yep, SWSA is being bumped for a meet-n-greet. Now I'm not against the idea of the meet-n-greet, but surely there must be some corner of the park where a nice backdrop could be erected. To gut SWSA means net ride gain=zero. Net loss=one of the few remaining classics.

  5. WOW! Snow's section of fantasyland (if it's anything like the picture) looks amazing! When it finally opens they may have to drad me from the cottage.

    Hopefully they'll redo the SWSA ride after the initial opening of the new fantasyland? Tuck it in somewhere (it's not like they don't have the room.)

  6. I'm guessing most of the SWSA figures will end up in the new mine ride. I do think it's pretty awful that a Meet and Greet is the replacement for SWSA. I'm not sure how that increases park capacity in any way. This new mine ride is a bittersweet addition, to be sure (though it looks very cool!).

  7. Venus-- More pics in the next post...the new Mine Train ride area looks pretty cool.

    Dan--Bittersweet indeed. I've been hearing that they are taking the "scary" out of the new SW ride. I hope this doesn't mean we lose the witch.

  8. I do admit that the expansion plans look gorgeous, but the elimination of WDW's SWSA is indeed sad news. I do have to admit that I prefer the California SWSA far more (with its abrupt ending and all other shortcomings) so I'm not *that* shocked - but I can't understand the decision to replace the WDW SWSA with these neverending meet'n'greets. This could have been a great possibility for WDW to re-produce the TOTALLY SCARY 1971 Snow White ride and rechristen it to WICKED WITCH'S VENTURES. Or then a completely new ride dedicated to all Disney Villains - who the current Disney company seems to have forgotten completely. There's no good fairytales without powerful evil. SWSA was really Fantasyland's only link to the dark side of Disney fantasy. Take the dark side away and what have you got? A totally unhealthy dose of sugar.

  9. Ken-- Well said. You're absolutely correct. "There's no good fairytale without powerful evil."

    "Wicked Witch's Ventures" that would be something to experience!

  10. Come on, guys. Not only do I strongly disagree with most of the things that have already been said in the above comments, but I really feel that you all need to seriously lighten up and get over yourselves!

    It's not the end of the world.

  11. Philip-- I respect your right to "strongly disagree" with the views of this blog and the comments made on it. And thank you so much for showing such respect to our views by telling us "to seriously lighten up and get over yourselves!" Very classy Philip.

  12. I, too, first rode SWSA at the Orlando park and whilst I love the facades in D'land and D'land Paris, think it is sad and particularly if it is being done to make room for a Princess Meet-and-Greet area that sounds like a rather blatant promotion of a Disney brand.

  13. I am sorry to see Disney again taking one of its signature rides and throwing it in the dumpster - and all the worse for being replaced by a Meet and Greet.

    Another foolish decision made by focus groups and fluffheads that don't even walk the park.

  14. i just hate that they're taking away the one version of the ride that actually tells the story of snow white. all the other ones have snow white in it like once and this one has her in it like 4 times. i love the idea up there of combining the two rides together though...if they did that i wouldnt be so mad. but i just hope they still have more than just one scene of snow white in this ride, though it sounds like all theyre focusing on is the dwarves.
