
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

1956 Mickey Mouse Club Magazine - The "Snow White's Adventures" Spread

October 3, 1955 marked the first episode of The Mickey Mouse Club on television. Shortly after came the inaugural issue of the Mickey Mouse Club Magazine (Winter 1956: Volume 1, Number 1) for which a year's subscription of four issues could be had for just $1.00 (USD).

This children's periodical featured in print similar subject matter to that which was being seen on the TV show: Mouseketeers, Mickey Mouse, Spin and Marty, etc. It also contained something special for fans of Snow White.

Included in this issue was a three page piece on Disneyland's "Snow White's Adventures". (The word "Scary" was not added to the attraction's title until many years later.) Specifically, the spread featured dramatic concept art for the ride by Disney Legend Ken Anderson. These illustrations and the accompanying text give us a glimpse into what that first ride was like. You the rider were Snow White and this was your adventure.

The Index:

Page 3

The 3-Page Spread:

Page 35

Page 36-37

Close-Up Detail:

Magazine copyright 1956 Walt Disney Productions. Images from personal collection.
Special thanks to Kurt Raymond for his tip about this MM Club issue.


  1. What a treat! Thanks you for posting this terrific artwork!

  2. ----- :) !!! -----

    I'm speechless here. Beautiful and intriguing stuff. Anderson himself said something like "There wasn't much pre-artwork done for this ride". What a modest, great great artist!

    (Again another reason for updating my SWSA Tribute ...If only I would get proper time and peace to do it).

  3. Thanks go to Kurt for cluing me in on these fantastic Ken Anderson drawings.
