
Sunday, June 26, 2011

iPhone Magic Mirror App from 2009

A couple years ago, Disney was selling a Magic Mirror app for the iPhone and iPod Touch. With it, one could receive advice and answers to questions from the "all-knowing" Magic Mirror by speaking or typing into the device.

From the Blu-ray Blog:

• The Magic Mirror bestows sage advice with dispassionate truth and poetic rhymes!
• Ask any question, future or present — romance, friendship, school, or work!
• Dazzling animation — just like the film!
• Type or speak your questions (microphone required for iPod touch)

The app is no longer available.


  1. what a cool app!! too bad it's not still available....thanks for your comments on my blog! I look forward to following yours too!

  2. WOW!!! Don't they have any idea how many of us would buy apps like this????

  3. Very nice! Sort of like the old "Magic Eight Ball", huh?
