
Friday, June 24, 2011

Ping Full-Back Snow White Tattoo

Singapore artist Ping of Night Action Tattoo Studio created for model Annfaye Kao the ultimate in Snow White fan art--a full back tattoo.

The piece features the Evil Queen and the Prince on either side of the Princess who is in a Mardi Gras style dress (from the Disney Princess Jewels line).

Representing the Dwarfs are Doc, Bashful, Dopey and Grumpy. A couple of the forest animals also fill out the design.

Design in progress.

Completed Tattoo

All images copyright Ping/Annfaye Kao.


  1. Very nice artwork, but is she going to still want that on her body in another 20 or 30 years? For me it would be like putting on a shirt and never being able to take it off or change it....ever! Oops, am I showing my age?

  2. Isn't Snow White's dress the one that they created for the Jewel Princess line a few years back? Every princess got a highly decorated makeover of their classic gowns.

  3. Tokyo-- Now you know the lengths true Snow White fans will go. :)

    Aubrey-- You're absolutely correct. I should have mentioned that in the post but will correct my oversight now.

  4. Wow !It's spectacular .
    Last week, I've post on my blog about Georges Reiger "The Disney Tatoo Guy".
    Those people are one of a kind .
    This is certainly a way to show their devotion to Disney .

  5. DSK-- Cool! I just checked out your blog post.

    Connie-- I was too.

  6. Wow, that's pretty amazing, gotta love crazy dedicated Disney fans! :) I could never get that big of a tattoo, but if I ever got a small one, it would definitely be something Disney related. :)

    Principessa Gabriella
