
Saturday, October 15, 2011

Further Snow White Photography from "Disney Resort"

We revisit the artistic image manipulations of Flickr photographer Sam, aka Disney Resort...

From Sam's Flickr page:
On slow days at the park, it's not unusual to see a Princess at the castle all by herself.

I ran into Snow White and asked if I could take her photo, and she obliged. I then got this idea in my head and asked her if she could pose for me looking out at the castle. She giggled, no doubt thinking I was a dork, but was nice enough to do it for me. And that's how I got this [below]. Thanks Princess! That was perfect. Sam aka "Disney Resort"

Snow White Greets The Morning Star


More "Disney Resort" pics...

 The Fab Four

Snow White and The Wicked Queen

Mothers and Daughters

Magic Mirror On The Wall...

Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs California Adventure

With a Little Help From My Friends

I do need a place to sleep at night.


"Choose Carefully Snow White"...

DR Sam creates his images by first starting with the original shot from the park and bringing it into Photoshop for cropping and meticulous adjustments.

Then paying close attention to light and shadow, he slips the princess into the scene which in this case is the flopped image of a cottage interior.

Sam works his magic again!

Choose Carefully Snow White finished piece.


Here's one of Sam's more recent composites in anticipation of the upcoming 2012 Snow White movies...

Snow White Goes Dark.

See the earlier post featuring even more of "Disney Resort's" Snow White pics, and of course be sure to visit Sam's Flickr photostream for his most up-to-date princess work. All images copyright Disney Resort Sam. Used with permission.


  1. Where did they get this actress? Her facial expressions and body posture are so delightfully Snow White! She is particularly delightful in "Mothers And Daughters." The Evil Queen is lovely, too. But wow, the Snow White actress really captures the character and is a joy to see.

  2. These are great! And that Abbey Road parody is a real hoot! I would love to be able to do this kind of work with Photoshop.

  3. Sheryl-- You're right. Some of the cast members really nail their Snow White persona. It's cool to see when it happens.

    Tokyo-- He's good. :)
