
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Snow White in Paris

Collector and enthusiast Disney Showcase Key took a trip to Paris and the Disneyland Resort this past June. As he wandered the sites, his camera snapped photos of all things Snow White. Here's a look at a few of the images he saw...

Before arriving at the parks, DSK stopped into the Disney Store on the Avenue des Champs-Élysées.

Disney Store outside facade via
All other images courtesy of Disney Showcase Key unless noted.

In a chamber off the central hub of the store, we find a mural of Dopey as he sneaks up the cottage stairs. It's bordered on either side by a portrait of the princess and the Old Witch.

Tucked away in another room, a Snow White portrait shares space with Lilo and Cinderella.


DSK stayed at the Disneyland Hotel which is located over the entrance to Disneyland Park.

The Bob Baker Queen and Witch marionettes (from earlier post) are on display in the hotel lobby.


Inside Disneyland Park, DSK stopped into Walt's Restaurant on Main Street.

Among the other terrific theming found within the restaurant is this framed Tenggren lithography.

And a sculpture under glass of Grumpy (Grincheux) at his organ.

See more photos by Disney Showcase Key from his visit to Snow White's Scary Adventures.


  1. Great!
    I'm pleased to help the filmic light.

    Here's what Disneyland Paris has to offer!Yes there's a lot of Snow White things.
    Thanks for posting about the Disney Store of the Champs Elysée.
    It's a "old" Disney Store but I hope that he won't get the new Imagination Park style.

    The photo of the Tenggren lihography is my favourite! I've noticed there were a little tittle on wood under it but it has gone.

    Cool post and thanks you ASWS for the links ;) .

  2. Love the Tengrenn Litography

    Great pictures

  3. Dan-- Thanks. Can't go wrong with pics from Paris.

    Alexandre-- Yes, I really like the Tenggren litho too. Are you familiar with DSK and his blog? He also resides in Belgium.
