
Sunday, October 23, 2011

Valentine & Sons Snow White "Cut-Out Numeral" Birthday Cards

These Snow White birthday postcards are part of the Walt Disney Cut-Out Numeral series. Each is shaped in the form of the birthday number and measures approximately 5.5" x 3.5". The vintage artwork is quite fetching and is as fresh today as when it was produced, circa 1938. The backs read "Reproduced by permission of Walt Disney Mickey Mouse Ltd. by Valentine and Sons Ltd. Dundee."

Snow and Dwarfs Number 10...

Another numeral 10...

Snow and Prince Number 9...

"Red-Letter Day" 9...

Snow and Dwarfs Number 8...

Snow and Forest Animals 8...

Sneezy Number 7...

Snow White Number 7...

Sleepy Number 6 + Doc Number 6...

Happy Number 5...

Snow White & Dwarfs Number 5...

Snow White at Wishing Well Number 4...

Dopey Number 4...

Doc, Happy & Bashful Number 3 + Solo Bashful 3...

Snow White Numeral 2...

Grumpy Number 2...

Happy Number 1 + Doc 1...


  1. How interesting!!! I've never seen these before.

  2. There hard to come by, but I'd like to find more. Nice vintage feel.
