
Monday, December 26, 2011

Adriana Caselotti Snow White Clock

This Snow White clock comes from Brian Sibley who received it as a gift from Adriana Caselotti back in 1988, the year following the release of his Making of the Classic Film book. The clock is inscribed to Brian, and during a recent correspondence, he shared this anecdote about Adriana and her generous spirit...
As you know from the photo I sent you (and the fact that I own a clock) all friends (and a lot of acquaintances) were given such things. She kept a stock of clocks which were dismantled and signed on the face and put back together during your visit! And she SOLD sets of photos via her own primitive mail order service. She may have made a few dollars from fans who just wrote to her but I never had to buy any, and to best of my knowledge, anyone she got to know more than casually were given the 'full set' all signed. Certainly over the years she sent or gave me many versions as well as signing them for friends of mine, and on one occasion, my Mum! :)

Inscription reads...
To Brian Sibley, You are magnificent! I wish you a continued beautiful and successful life. Love, Adriana Caselotti, Voice of Snow White, 1988.

Images courtesy of Brian Sibley via Decidedly Disney. Used with permission.


  1. Nice clock! You changed your page layout - nice!

  2. What a great clock just by itself.....but then to also have it signed....WOW!

  3. I have two of them signed by her as well. On one of them she even drew her interpretation of Snow White. I visited with her at her house in Los Angeles. She was a terrific host. When we rang the front doorbell she came on the intercom and sand "Some Day My Prince Will Come." Priceless. She kept a wonderful 1930s photo by her bed that was inscribed from Walt Disney and dedicated to her father.

  4. Connie-- Yes, the start of a new year of blogging needs a new banner. :)

    Tokyo-- It is a cool looking clock isn't it? And you bet, to have Adriana personally sign it, that's very cool.

    David-- I'm so happy you had the opportunity to visit with her and become friends. Thanks for sharing the anecdotes about how she answered the doorbell and about the inscribed Walt photo. She was a special lady.

  5. As David says, arriving at AC's house and pushing the intercom button triggered a series of performance pieces of famous SW lines: "You must be GRUMPY!" "SUPPER!" and so forth. On my first of four visits, I supposed it was a recording until she added: "It's Brian come to visit, open the door and let him in!"

    You'll find a photo (beside the wishing well in the garden) from one of my visits: here

  6. Brian-- That's terrific! It sounds as if Adriana embodied the Snow White spirit like no other. She was someone I truly would have liked to have met. Thank you for sharing the photo too.
