
Saturday, December 21, 2013

4 Years of Blogging...To Snow or Not to Snow

Today, on the 76th anniversary of Disney's Snow White world premiere, I mark a much smaller milestone. The Filmic Light is now four years old. This started out as a simple experiment where I might explore my somewhat unusual interest. Yet, with help from many, many generous people around the world, it's slowly developing into something more palpable.

Very early on, one reader made a comment questioning whether there would actually be enough content to dedicate an entire blog solely to this subject. Even I naively believed that pretty much all of the Snow White related material could be documented in just a matter of a few years. It's now clear I was wrong. From stories about the making of the film, to animation art, movie memorabilia, and a seemingly never-ending flow of merchandise, Snow White is alive and well in the collective consciousness of the 21st century.

The downside to this project is that, as other bloggers know so well, it's a heck of a lot of work. I can think of better things to do with my time than sitting in front of a computer screen for four straight years. But it's just too fascinating for me to quit.

It's an honor and pleasure connecting with others who share this same disposition. So here we go with another year. The Snow White Archive is growing and there's plenty more to come. Stay tuned.


  1. You are never going to run out of Snow White stuff to cover, ever! Congratulations on 4 years of Snow!

    1. Thanks Dan. Your generous support has been invaluable.

  2. Congratulations on four years of Snow!

    1. Thanks Sheryl. I always enjoy reading your comments and hearing your insights.

  3. Congrats on 4 years - I can totally understand what you put into this, and I can also tell you how much I enjoy and appreciate it!

    1. Thanks Dave. The work you've accomplished over the years is a real inspiration.

  4. Congratulations! I believe that Dan is right, you will never run out of Snow White merchandise/articles/ephemera. It really is incredible just how much stuff has been produced (and continues to be made) relating to this all-time classic movie.

    1. It is incredible Major. Things I've never heard of before continue to pop up all the time, just like the Charles Ponstingl carvings you told me about. Look for a post on them in the early new year. Thanks for your continued support.

  5. Congratulations on your 4th Anniversary. You put a lot of time, effort and love into the site and it shows. Disney's first animated feature is done a world of good by this site.

    1. Thanks INB. That means a lot coming from a fellow blogger. Your site is a terrific resource too.

  6. Congrats on making it 4 years. :)

    1. Thank you TL . Your support has always been a welcome gift.

  7. Robert, your tireless efforts have created an invaluable archive of information about "Disney's Folly". Filmic Light is a daily oasis for Disney fans. Thanks so much for all you do.

    1. Thanks for the kind words Rick. As folks peruse the archive, it won't take them long to discover the significant contributions that have been made from the collection of Dadric's Attic. It's been a pleasure working with you over these last few years, and I look forward to more great discoveries in the future.

  8. Robert: Congratulations on the 4th Anniversary of the blog! Your hard work and dedication would make Uncle Walt proud. It's been a pleasure getting to know you this past year and I look forward to sharing more of the collection with you and the rest of our fellow Snow White lovers. Best wishes for the New Year! Mike.

    1. Thank you Michael! It's been a real pleasure getting to know you too. Talking Snow White with knowledgeable folks like yourself is always enjoyable. And with the contribution of so many rare items from your personal collection, you've truly brought a real depth to this blog that it would have otherwise taken forever to achieve. As I catch up on back posts, looking forward to adding much more.

  9. Happy 4 year anniversary! We are looking to many more!

    1. Thanks Barbie. It's encouragement like yours that helps me stick with it.

  10. Congrats on four years, Filmic-Light! As I've said before, your my absolute favorite Disney blog, so it's really great to see how far you've gotten...and are going to get! You do such a great job at documenting everything related to Snow White. Merry Christmas and have a wonderful new year!
    Molly THE Disney Freak

    1. Thanks for the kind words Molly! Your blog is always a treat to visit as well. Hope you had a great Christmas and that your New Year is happy and bountiful.

  11. Happy Belated Anniversary, SWA! And here's to the next four (+++) years of your fantastic archive!

    1. Thanks Tokyo! It wouldn't be the same if it weren't for assistance from friends like you. Four more years! :)
