
Friday, August 12, 2011

New Mine Train Vehicle Concept Images

Rumors have been circulating on the Disney forums about the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train. Some have been speculating that Disney Imagineers are having difficulty with the new mine car technology and that the ride might be scrapped. Yet others in the know say the project is still a go and on schedule.

Here's an exciting first look at a WDI ride vehicle concept image--taken this June and which recently appeared on the forums.

Ride vehicle research frame from the film.

Full-scale foam mockup.

Note the individual lapbars in the photo above. Keeps little ones locked in tight. Looks like development on the attraction is definitely moving forward. For more details and discussion on the Mine Train, check out this forum thread. Special thanks to Kurt Raymond for the heads-up on this topic.


  1. I hope this is going to be a nice long ride! And fun! In other words, I hope they don't botch it! Has the Snow White dark ride closed already?

  2. Great pictures! I can't wait for the mine train. It's too bad Scary Adventures has to close. I guess it will continue to operate until some of the new Fantasyland elements open.

  3. What! I just can't wait to see it!
    I remember When I first heard about the annoucement for this new attraction, how excited I was!I hope it will justify the closure of SWSA ...
    Thanks for the vehicle ride concept, they're nice .

  4. Tokyo-- The Scary Adventures attraction is still open and will probably remain so for quite awhile still until at least the first phase of the expansion is complete.

    Dan-- I agree. Wish both SW rides could be in the park together. That's probably asking a lot though.

    DSK-- I'm excited to see the new ride too. Yes, they will have to do it right in order to justify the closure of SWSA. I get the feeling that the Imagineers really do know this.
