
Saturday, October 8, 2011

Snow White Cel Ad in 1938 Magazine

Animation pieces were first sold as fine art back in 1938 with the sale of the Snow White Courvoisier cels (seen in an earlier post).

Recently, Snow White collector Rick Payne came across this December 1938 issue of Avocations Magazine. He picked it up mainly because he was interested in the cover image of the 1939 New York World's Fair. However, on closer inspection, he found an ad inside for the Kennedy and Company gallery in NYC.

They were selling Snow White "prints" for "$10 and up". Pictured on the page are what look like two of the many Courvoisier cel setups which would have been appearing about this time in major galleries around the world.

Images courtesy of Rick Payne via dadric's attic. Used with permission.