
Sunday, October 9, 2011

Theatrical Release Posters from Japan

The most commonly produced Japanese movie poster is something called the "B2". It measures approximately 20" x 29" in size. A larger format and harder to find "B1" also exists. At nearly 29" x 41", its dimensions more closely resemble those of the US one-sheet.


I have not yet discovered the year of this poster, but the vintage artwork is simply splendid. Possibly dates from the 1950s. It's a B2 format, measuring 21" x 27".

Image via

R-1950s. B2 format, 20" X 28.5". Sold for $143.40 (USD) in May 2009.

Image via Heritage Auctions.



Buena Vista, R-1980. B2 format, 20.25" X 28.75".

Image via Heritage Auctions.



Probably from 1985. This poster is widely sold online as a reproduction. The repro is easy to spot, however, since it measures just 11" x 17" and does not fit the standard Japanese size specifications.

R-1985. Double-bill release of Snow White and Aristocats. Large B1 format, measures 28.75" x 40.5".

Image via


  1. I LOVE all things Disney! These posters are gorgeous. I especially love the last one. So beautiful and colorful. There is nothing before or nothing after that compares to old Disney animation/art. Hello!! I'm Vickie from Sponge Curlers & Cupcakes. I saw your post at Atomic Ranch House so thought I'd invite myself to your party :- ) Lovely blog on one of my seriously favorite subjects.

  2. Glad you joined the party Vickie! Snow White sends her best!!! :)

  3. I must tell you a little story...when my precious grandson was born (18 years ago) the name given him was Forrest. And since Bambi was the baby prince of the forest, I declared him MY baby prince & proceeded to collect ALL things Bambi for his nursery at my house. Which was followed by everything Disney - every collectible I could find and emersed his little life in Disney everything! I still collect for him now & again and he still LOVES all things Disney too. I have the very sweetest picture of him with Cinderella (& many others) at Disneyland that I treasure. So, that's my little story. I shall love visiting here!
