Thursday, December 28, 2017

1938 "Snow White Laundry" Jingle Club Book & Cards

The Snow White Jingle Club was a 1938 promotional campaign from bread manufacturers. Local bakeries would include a Jingle card in each of their loaves of bread. There were 24 cards total. They were printed on thin paper with a full-color illustration. They also included a four-line jingle. Kids would collect these cards and affix them inside a free Jingle book. We saw both the booklet and cards in earlier Archive entries.

Once all 24 cards were found, the child was directed to the blank pages at the back of the book where they were to write down the fourth line of each jingle. These could then be turned back in at the local bread store in exchange for a Snow White prize, usually a framed character picture.

What's interesting to note is the fact that Disney did not limit the use of their Jingle Club promotion to bread manufactures alone. This particular book (above) and cards (below) were instead sponsored by the aptly-named Snow White Laundry based in Philadelphia. The laundry truck would come to your home to pick up and drop off your garments. A Jingle card would be left with each clean bundle of clothes.

Printed on the reverse side is one of two different informational blurbs. The first reminds you to look in your next Snow White Laundry bundle for another Jingle Card. And also to ask your routeman about a Jingle Book if you don't have one. The other card mentions the that complete set of 24 pasted in your Jingle Book entitles you to a beautifully framed picture of your favorite Snow White character. The "Radcliff 5700" was the phone number for the laundry service.

An apology letter from the Snow White Laundry service was found within this book. Sound like there was a back order delay in sending out the Jingle Book and the club button (seen in earlier post).

Original mailing envelope.

Image scans generously provided by the Denise Vernier Collection. The book and cards came to her through her grandfather, who at one time either worked for or was a patron of this Philadelphia laundry service.

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